Two Upcoming Events!
Two Events For Us!
We will shortly be sending an update on the progress of the LDP to date, but in the meantime wished to draw your attention, firstly, to this event below, taking place on the weekend of the 15th and 16th of July at Strata Florida Abbey, Pontrhydfendigaid.
Secondly, Professor David Austin, chair of the Strata Florida Trust, has agreed to chair the CPRW Brecon & Radnor 2017 Autumn Seminar which will bring together speakers to discuss aspects of our Powys uplands: how they have evolved, why we should value them, what state they are in, what threats they may face and how future land use/policy could protect them. This seminar will take place on the 21st October at Evenjobb Village Hall. Please note the date in your diary. More details will be circulated nearer the time.
Best wishes, Margaret
CPRW Brecon & Radnor Committee