About Us
The national charity Campaign for the Protection of Rural Wales was formed in 1928 and works to:
- Increase public awareness of the importance of landscapes and seascapes;
- Promote their responsible care and use;
- Defend the qualities that make rural Wales special;
- Influence decision makers to guide responsible change, and oppose them when they don’t;
- Promote landscapes as inspiring places for learning, personal development and wellbeing;
- Celebrate and enjoy Wales’ heritage of landscapes, culture and rural life.
The Brecon and Radnor Branch of CPRW covers the old historic counties of Brecknock and Radnorshire. Rural and sparsely populated, mountainous to the south, this area contains few towns of size. Rural towns, villages and scattered settlements are set within the landscapes of broad, sweeping uplands and fertile valleys of the Beacons and Black Mountains, and the rolling hills of Radnorshire. A large part of the Brecon Beacons National Park, administered by the Brecon Beacons National Park Authority, lies within this area, the remainder of which is administered by Powys County Council, the largest unitary authority (by land area) in Wales.
The Brecon and Radnor Branch of CPRW works to further the national charity’s charitable objectives by:
- Campaigning to secure the protection and enhancement of the area’s landscape and environment, recognising the importance of its communities and of Welsh culture;
- Acting as a centre for the collection and provision of advice and information on matters affecting the goal above;
- Holding public events to discuss issues relevant to the goals above.
We thank our various members and supporters for generously allowing us the use of their images on our website. Thank you.
We are an independent charity. Please support us.