Action Alert: September 2019 – Save our Welsh Countryside!
Action Alert: September 2019
Save our Welsh Countryside!
The Welsh Government’s draft National Development Framework (NDF) contains expanded renewable energy plans to industrialise vast new areas of our countryside
The draft NDF is going through a consultation process.
This will be your only opportunity.
[Some guidelines which may help you on making your response can be found here.]
The proposals set new Priority Areas sweeping across large parts of Wales – to be allocated for further wind farms and solar arrays as shown on the map below. Within them, landscape change will be accepted and there will be a presumption of planning approval. All projects over 10 megawatts will be decided by the Welsh Government, and other rural assets – including biodiversity – will be compromised.
Public Consultation documents, response form & online response link:
Here is how consultants ARUP have developed these plans for the Welsh Government:
CPRW considers this to be a flawed methodology.
CPRW accepts the need for renewable energy in the right place and supports economic development in rural areas, but this does not justify widespread industrialisation and irrational destruction of our landscapes. Visitor surveys show that people come to enjoy the tranquillity and beauty of our unspoilt landscapes. Tourism is growing rapidly and helps sustain rural economies and farm livelihoods.
Please look at how the plans affect your area and make your views known by responding to the consultation, and do please write to the Press, your Councillors, your AM and your MP. Thank you.
For more information, additional maps and links to documents see

You may view a larger version of, or download, the map as a PDF by clicking on the map or right-clicking and selecting “Save target as” or equivalent.