Support & Membership

Support & Membership

Support us:

More members means a louder voice and greater effectiveness in our campaigning. We cannot do what we do without your support. Please do become members and help us to campaign for the protection of our environment and wildlife, the prosperity of our local towns and settlements, and proper support for our major local industries, including farming and tourism.

Our committee is small and all our efforts are voluntary. The branch work does takes a great deal of time and so we are very grateful for the active involvement of many members which contributes so much to branch activities. If you have ideas, information, expertise and can help the committee with our work, we would really like to hear from you.  And if you are a Welsh speaker and have time to help us with translations for the website please do get in touch.


For membership information please contact either:
The Membership Secretary: Margaret Tregear by email,
or follow this link to the Membership page on the main CPRW website,
or call CPRW Head Office on: 01938 552525 / 556212.

Our Contacts page has more information, including specific contact details for our Brecon and Radnor Branch.

Thank You!

