Powys LDP – Update #8 – 3/8/2017 & An Update From Last Year’s Autumn Seminar

Powys LDP – Update #8 – 3/8/2017 & An Update From Last Year’s Autumn Seminar

We have two big updates for you with this Post. Summaries of the updates will be found here in the Post; full details can be found by following the relevant links.

  1. Powys Local Development Plan: Hearing Sessions Summary
  2. Ponds, Rivers and Poultry Seminar Update (see below)



A synopsis of our Summary of the LDP Hearing Sessions is given here. For the full Summary and additional links please check out this page in the main part of our site.

LDP Hearing Sessions:
The hearing sessions of the Powys Local Development Plan which began on 28th March were completed on 21st July. This was a very busy period for the branch as we were participants in many sessions and attended others. In addition to arguing for a more rational renewable energy policy, we have, together with CPRW National and CPRW planning barrister, Tina Douglass, presented evidence and argued for the better protection of strategic assets, landscape and the natural environment. CPRW B&R branch have at the Inspector’s request, submitted a suggested policy wording for intensive livestock units and argued for improved planning control of anaerobic digesters. We have also put forward arguments and evidence on many other topics.

Renewable Energy:
Powys published entirely new renewable energy evidence in the middle of the hearing process, on the 12th May:

  • A new renewable energy assessment from consultants AECOM (third version);
  • A landscape sensitivity study of the resulting Solar Local Search Areas from consultants, Enplan;
  • Revision of the proposed renewable energy policy RE1.

The new evidence has led to:

  • No designation of wind Local Search Areas (LSAs);
  • Identification by AECOM of a potential 33 solar LSAs;
  • Reduction of the number of solar LSAs from 33 to 20 following Enplan’s landscape sensitivity study.

There are significant problems with both AECOM and Enplan reports. Most seriously, AECOM’s proposed LSAs contain substantial proportions of land unsuitable for development while Enplan’s study has been carried out without reference to AECOM’s identification of ‘constraints’, treating all land within LSAs as suitable for development. Michelle Bolger, CPRW’s landscape consultant, found that the Enplan report consistently underrates landscape sensitivity.

Welsh Government explicitly confirmed that there will be a presumption of approval for renewable applications within LSAs although Powys has consistently denied this

Powys have revised their proposed RE policy, but while CPRW and residents have effected some improvements, it is particularly concerning that the revised policy remains permissive of large scale wind and solar developments outside the Strategic Search Areas (wind) and Local Search Areas (solar).

What Happens Next?
The Council will publish a “Schedule of Matters Arising Changes” by 19th September. The Council has also proposed holding Public Consultation Events – though no details are yet available.

Public Consultation on these new revisions to the LDP and the new REA will be open
from 19th September until 5pm 30th October.

As with the Further Focussed Changes, anyone can write supporting or objecting to the changes. All representations will be published and seen by the Inspector who may decide to hold another set of Hearings or proceed directly to her examination.

The full LDP Update can be found here.


A synopsis of our Update from the Ponds, Rivers and Poultry Seminar is given here. For the full Update on last Autumn’s Seminar from 3/8/2017, and additional links, please check out this page in the main part of our site.

In summary, the update reports on:

  1. The submission by CPRW Brecon & Radnor Branch, at the Planning Inspector’s request, of a suggested policy for intensive livestock units for potential inclusion in the Powys Local Development Plan;
  2. Update of our online map of intensive poultry units in Powys;
  3. Recent coverage on Countryfile, BBC online news and in the Guardian of intensive livestock farming and environmental impacts;
  4. Report by the Sustainable Food Trust on the hidden costs of cheap food;
  5. Mapping of intensive livestock units across the UK.

The full Seminar Update can be found here.


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